Tag Archives: accessible music

Making Music Together IRL!

fox flashcard. Black background with orange fox face.

It was a long wait, but our first in-person training since the pandemic started took place last week. It was an absolute joy. We delivered training to new Associate Musicians of Drake Music Scotland who are working with the Sound Explorers projects. They spent two days in the company of Drake Music Scotland staff, with […]

Training returns for September

4 black and white images. Smiling women work on computers. A teenage boy smiles playing bass guitar. A young man plays on an electric guitar - he has an intense expression and a plectrum held in his mouth. Close up of hands on a piano playing from a Figurenotes score.

Did you miss out on our online course back in April? Well, we have great news! Figurenotes training is BACK 🎉 for all teachers, tutors, music practitioners, and music therapists. Join us for Figurenotes: Developing Your Practice, running online in September. Live delivery takes place in small groups on Thursdays, September 16th, 23rd, and 30th. […]

I just had to share!

“I thought you’d like to hear this story” is always an intriguing start to an email. We LOVE hearing your anecdotes and this is such a lovely one. Jill Henderson, at Craigmarloch School in Inverclyde, Scotland, sent us this wonderful story from her lessons and kindly let us share it with you all. Both Jill and […]

The Challenge Is On!

Yellow abstract image with black text: Applications Open Now!

We are thrilled to be part of Drake Music Scotland‘s Challenge Project with Creative Informatics. Could you help us find our Challenge Responder? “Drake Music Scotland’s challenge is to create a new online platform that will transform their Figurenotes resource base into the world’s first and most comprehensive inclusive music hub. They would like to […]


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