Figurenotes Testimonials

Deputy First Minister John Swinney

“I was lucky enough to have been invited by the young people of Castlebrae Community High School in Edinburgh to attend a music making session with Drake Music Scotland back in January 2020. The school uses their Scottish Attainment Challenge funding to facilitate this fantastic programme.
“This allows young people to have an appreciation of music, compose and even perform which helps build self-confidence and capability. This in turn benefits so many other aspects of the learning process.
“It was such a joy to take part in the singing and music playing, I wasn’t nearly as good as the young people themselves but it was fantastic to see how much fulfilment the whole experience gave them. Well done to all involved.”

My less able piano pupils are finding piano lessons much more joyful using stage 3 Figurenotes and I'm about to start using stage 1, 2 and 3 at primary school to teach recorder and keyboard.

Felicity Palmer

Figurenotes will allow me to bring more structured learning to the groups and give the young people access to music theory/learning/playing that they haven't had before.

Janet Butterworth, Support Practitioner
Thank you and keep up your good work, as the Figurenotes system has had a major impact on my teaching and learning.
I had a pupil who could not read notation due to Dyslexia. She managed to get an A in higher music with piano as her second instrument. She is now in 2nd year of Teacher Training. It is a fabulous way to learn and is such a confidence builder.
Anne Lawrence – Piano Teacher
Excellent notation system to support all learners.
Maria Kelly
We are impressed with how easy it is to make music with a lot of different instruments
Lorena Sanchis
  Excellent! It has worked wonders and the pupils love being able to understand rhythms, as in the past they have 'forgotten how the tune goes' and, therefore, had no success at home.
Elaine Moffat
The Figurenotes notation system is very quickly understood by children (as in, by the end of the first lesson), and brings the practical advantages of a music notation system. This combination makes initial progress in terms of the musical result very fast. Nothing gets kids playing and learning tunes in the beginning like Figurenotes.
Tom Ashe – Favela Brass
Nothing translates as easily as Figurenotes. It is just so obvious that it works!
Lucinda Mackworth-Young – Pianist

Figurenotes, starting simply for my ASN pupils, is very relatable and doable. The fact that I can make my own unique music and resources, and so can my pupils, is so valuable. Really enjoyed the training day. Extremely valuable for my pupils

ASN Teacher

Great to see that there is a useful resource to compliment me or others in delivering REAL music lessons. Really useful to see how Figurenotes can start basic and develop to full musical writing and composition.

Chloe Douglas – Primary Teacher
It's the tool I've been looking for for a long time
Isobel Burnie – Music Teacher
I'm so impressed with Figurenotes. Such a simple concept and so effective
Thomas Frost – Music Teacher
I haven't come across anything that comes close to it for inclusivity
Morven McKerrell – Music Teacher
The software is great! It means we can do the songs they really want to learn
Mo Malcolm-Gourley – Glasgow
A really valuable technique. Needs more exposure!
Lee Reynolds – Glyndebourne Youth Opera Musical Director
Figurenotes is by far the best thing for pupils with additional support needs
Karl Macrae – Let’s Mac Music
Figurenotes is giving us the opportunity to involve all children in music
Annona Thornton – Music Teacher
Figurenotes has broken down a huge barrier for me to enable teaching and learning to progress
Primary Teacher – Wemyss Bay Primary School
Figurenotes is giving us the opportunity to involve all children in music
Annona Thornton – Music Teacher
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Training Testimonials

I’d just like to thank you and the team for an amazing day last Saturday. I’d love if it was on again this weekend! I’ll definitely be over for next one in March.

Luke Cranitch, Music Teacher

I've realised Figurenotes can be used not just in school, but also with my private pupils. Really valuable to try out the practical activities. Thanks very much!

Emma Wright, Primary Teacher

Really brilliant! I learned a lot and had a good time. Keep it up!

Clare McBrien, Community Music Leader

Thank you! It was great to experience Figurenotes in person and have the opportunity to talk to the professionals.

Shannon Stevenson

We were shown the skills to create lessons for all abilities. I'll be able to create arrangements and resources for all levels. The course leaders were great. Excellent delivery of the course. Interactive and easy to understand. Fantastic course, and it was delivered at the right level for me and my knowledge.

Craig Hart, Secondary Music Teacher

Useful to get a refresher for general music teaching, as well as learning how to use Figurenotes. Thank you!

Lorna Williamson, Big Noise Teacher

Lots of new ideas and tips, plus refresher to help think about different music situations. Lots of ideas and good networking opportunities. Thank you!

Gordon Turnbull, Music Teacher (ASN)

Music Teacher's Toolbox has given me a new way to approach teaching, making music easier to understand and play. Everything was fantastic! I got a very comprehensive understanding of Figurenotes. I'll be back for the next one!

Luke Cranitch, Music Teacher

A great day. Many thanks! Really useful to try different things and get new ways to approach introducing rhythm and pulse.

Scott Coutts, Music Teacher (Secondary)

It has been absolutely amazing. I have learned so much from the first session to the whole day. I have so many ideas and I'm more confident going forward. It is perfectly formed. Really valuable to refresh my knowledge and being able to embed the learning. Thank you so much for allowing me to come.

Maureen Malcolm-Gourley

Very good indeed!

Connie Reilly, Music Teacher

Figurenotes will allow me to bring more structured learning to the groups and give the young people access to music theory/learning/playing that they haven't had before.

Janet Butterworth, Support Practitioner

Today's training has been a fantastic experience. Fantastic course and people! Thank you very much!

Justyna Grajewska
The course was very thorough! It was really valuable to have the practical examples and see how many different ways there are to put them into action.
Jelena Sipila
A great mix of engaging activities and useful information. Thanks for the day! This will come in handy 🙂
Jelena Sipila
I gained a thorough understanding of the use of Figurenotes. I have encountered it before, but today I figures out how to use it more professionally. Also, it was great to learn to use the notation software - this will be very helpful in the future.
Jelena Sipila
Lovely staff- very relaxed and experienced, and supportive all day. Great music making experience. Thank you very much.
Maria Kelly
Looking at ways to introduce simple music making to young people was really useful. The most valuable part of the day was getting the chance to play the instruments using Figurenotes and looking at composing.
Maria Kelly
Good to get ideas for using/introducing Figurenotes into classroom teaching. Good to hear how other people use the software. Nice mix of activities. Thank you. It was a really fun day 🙂
Meg Dowling
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