Tag Archives: USA

Baird’s Piano and Art Studio

Paper keyboard with Figurenotes colours drawn on the keys

As a private, neighbourhood piano teacher, my goal is to help all of my students feel successful. FigureNotes has helped my traditional and non traditional learners be successful in learning to play piano. What’s been your biggest success using Figurenotes? I had created a methodology for my non traditional students but learned about FigureNotes and […]

Just Accessible Music (JAM)

I primarily teach adults and children with disabilities to play, rock, folk, Broadway, and jazz using Figurenotes. I teach a Special Music Education graduate course in Connecticut at the University of Bridgeport that includes a teaching component with our bands. Each student is assigned to mentor and arrange a song the musician would like the […]

Busting into Boston

Logo for Massachusetts Music Educators Association

Not a sentence that many people in the UK have uttered in the last week, but we have been extremely lucky with the weather! Why? Emma, Pete, and Lauren just managed to get out of the country before all flights were cancelled. Boston played host to the Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Conference 2018. Drake Music Scotland and […]


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