How can Figurenotes help music sessions happen as Primary School returns?

Educators all over the world are either in preparations or currently navigating the return of our young people to formal education. There are so many factors to consider, and when it comes to music it’s no different.

Figurenotes have some great resources designed to help teachers and support staff run simple, fun and successful music sessions that comply with physical distance guidelines. These videos and supporting material, designed and created by Drake Music Scotland‘s associate musicians are simple, fun and achievable. Something that our young people need now more than ever after a turbulent last term and summer break.

We even have something for a sing-free birthday! Pop your stickers on your chime bars, or find something that matches the colours and use it as an instrument. The possibilities are endless!

If you are new to Figurenotes, check out our website and access these resources by singing up to our Resource Base for £23.99 per year (less than £2 per month . You will find resources like these and much more under the Lesson Plans tab.

Happy Figurenoting!


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