Summerhall opened its doors to a whole load of local legends on Friday night when it hosted the 10th Annual Creative Edinburgh Awards.
“2022’s Awards programme will continue to amplify and unite Edinburgh’s resilient creative ecosystem as we celebrate a decade of hosting the Awards in the City. Combined with our Birthday Bash, we want to get together to raise a glass and cheer on our fellow creatives. Think of it as an awards ceremony, networking event and office Christmas party, all wrapped up in one.”
Figurnotes were nominated in the collaboration category for our joint effort in creating our new web-based Figurenotes Software and Figuenotes Accessible Music Hub (FAMHub). We are honoured to have been nominated alongside some incredible organisations and projects; Theiya Arts Dance Collective, Tinderbox Collective and Pianodrome @ Royal High School, and The Earthing Project.

Running two projects of this nature side by side was a serious challenge, but luckily we had incredible partners helping us.
To help us build our web-based software, we enlisted the help of Dundee-based tech savants Tayfusion.
“Our speciality is building bespoke and unique database systems for clients who have complex and specific requirements or who have odd challenges.
But we also like to build things, break things, and solve problems… and have fun in the process…
In our ranks, we have: current and former musicians, comic book fanatics, D&D enthusiasts, dog lovers, walkers, cyclists, rugby fans and a trained thespian.
But we don’t just build data systems; we can turn our hand to building pretty much anything like, a bass guitar, a distortion pedal, a contactless door locking mechanism; a chicken coop; an artist’s studio, and even a swimming pool for horses. No, really.
We like to think we can build anything.“
To help us build or Figurenotes Accessible Music Hub (FAMHub), we enlisted the help of start-up partners Na:gne.
“We’re a startup technology partner that delivers the services, teams and expertise you might be missing in house.
Our customers come in all different shapes and sizes, from pre-seed to full enterprise, and they’re all pioneers and game-changers in their field.”
Fun times were had on the night and to top it off, WE WON! We couldn’t be happier and are so grateful to everyone who’s hard work made these projects happen.
To find out more about our new products visit our website or contact us.