“Inspiring, Engaging, Informative, Fun.”

“Wonderful training. Thank you!”

“I’m feeling so inspired!”

Trainees from the Scottish Borders

We had an outrageous amount of fun last week delivering training. It was week 2 of our brilliant online course, Figurenotes: Developing Your Practice, which is always a delight. Alongside this, we whizzed down to the Scottish Borders to deliver in-person training to a lovely group, organised by their YMI coordinator.

There was a mix of roles in the room, which always leads to interesting discussion. We also had some very experienced Figurenoters alongside people brand new to this way of working. Some tutors deliver 6-week projects, while others are classroom-based and much more focused on supporting the classroom learning objectives.

Quote written on purple speech bubble reads "Figurenotes has been a game changer for me"

We spent a portion of the day creating Figurenotes compositions and it was fascinating to see the different ways that the tasks were approached depending on the setting people were working in. We always feel very privileged to have these conversations and understand the ways in which people are working. It helps us to create resources and training that will be useful.

The Ever-Popular Sound Stories

By far the most popular aspect of the day was our sound story, working to build skills in composition, turn-taking, listening, and performance. We explored leitmotif using the Gingerbread Man as our inspiration. We ended up with a lovely twinkly gingerbread man motif, full of energy and speed. The old couple at the start of the story couldn’t have been more different – they do say opposites attract. The reaction to these activities is always so good! I’m sure the students in the Scottish Borders will be having a great time in their upcoming lessons with these newly-inspired staff members.

A range of colourful cartoon characters from the story of the gingerbread man- man, woman, fox, pig, cow, dog, sheep, horse, and the gingerbread man in the centre. The picture is divided up so each character has its own square.

We’ll be sure to create some more sound story resources and pop them up on the Hub. If you have your own successful resources, then do remember that you can share these with your fellow Figurenoters on the Hub’s community library. People working in the music education sector can often feel a little isolated, so a big part of the Hub is community, sharing, and supporting each other.

Thank you to everyone at the training day. We had an absolute blast!

If you are interested in training in accessible music practices and Figurenotes, either online or in-person, please get in touch via email at Figurenotes@DrakeMusicScotland.org.

Quote written on yellow speech bubble reads "This is so accessible. The kids will love it!"

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